Change is Good: UConn Pre-College Summer’s Most Successful Summer

By Erin Donohue, Pre-College Summer Graduate Assistant

In the summer of 2017, UConn’s Pre-College Summer (PCS) program for rising high school juniors and seniors expanded in more ways than just increasing numbers. This past summer, the program has also extended its reach both nationally and globally! Thirty-five percent (35%) of program students out of the 383 total registrations came from states outside of New England, including Puerto Rico. The program also had a total of 8 international students from countries such as Canada, France, Romania, Luxembourg, China, and Taiwan! This is the largest and most diverse group of students that have ever attended Pre-College Summer, which prepares students for college life through a non-credit, academic enrichment environment.


One of the main goals of UConn’s Pre-College Summer program is to allow students to “test out” an academic area that they may be interested in pursuing in college before they attend college. This year, to accommodate the growing number of students, PCS ramped up its course selection. This past summer’s course spread included new courses in the Arts with Animation and Photography, as well as a range of Pre-Med courses on topics such as Anatomy and Physiology, Kinesiology, and Human Pathology. These new Pre-Med courses provided the students with an opportunity to aid in the dissection of a human cadaver right on campus! We additionally added a Pre-Law course to the line-up, and as part of the course students were able to visit the UConn School of Law and a local courthouse! The hands-on experiences provided by these courses allowed students to really get a feel for whether this academic focus is something that they would want to further pursue in college, or not. As Sarah from Ohio put it, “UConn has given me an incredible experience that reassured my desire to pursue medicine.” Other students learned based on their class experience during Pre-College Summer that perhaps the subject they chose was not the best fit for them. Ina from Massachusetts who studied Statistics while at Pre-College Summer remarked, “The UConn Pre-College Summer Program was a good experience in that I left the program with many new friends and a glimpse into what college life will be life. The academic course itself, however, was one that I would definitely not repeat.”

Another goal of the Pre-College Summer Program is to make sure that students gain the full experience of what college life is like before actually attending college. Students who attend our program live in residence halls on the Storrs campus where they attend interactive classes for 19 hours a week for up to four weeks and participate in engaging afternoon workshops of their choice. New workshops popular with students this past summer included Creating a Vision Board where students were able to highlight their future goals using pictures, participating in a Hands on Drumming circle, and DJ Session 101, an introduction to disc jockeying. While all of this is daunting to high school students at first, by the end of their time in the program they begin to understand the importance of their experience on campus and get, according to Christina from Connecticut, an “eye-opening experience of what life at UConn could possibly be.” Justin from Connecticut remarked, “It was even better than I imagined it would be. I felt like a college student and got more information about college life out of the program than any other experience.” And Michele from California added, “This program provided me with a good balance of college lifestyle, subject based learning, and workshop learning.The summer staff members were very sweet and welcoming and we were able to do a lot of evening activities that were really fun.”


Students also experience social opportunities similar to that of incoming college freshman. While spending time in the program, students are able to hurdle social obstacles and make friends, which can be difficult when in a new environment. Our summer staff, including mostly current UConn undergraduate and graduate students, are as inclusive as possible of all students and convey the message that students are in a safe space where they can express themselves and feel comfortable in their own skin. On the first day of student check-in and drop off, students are usually anxious about meeting new people and may be shy to get to know one another, so making friends can be difficult. Once students realize that they are all in the same boat, however, friends are made quickly. Emelyn from Connecticut could relate, saying, “Even people who are shy like me can find people to hang out with.” The Pre-College Summer program provides many fun and exciting experiences and activities through which students can bond, such as unorganized sporting events, game and movie nights, visiting downtown Storrs, taking walks on Horsebarn Hill, and even a talent show! This past summer we also included horseback riding lessons provided by the Department of Animal Sciences for students who are passionate about riding. It’s clear by the end of the week that after all of these amazing experiences, students are sad to leave campus and their newly made friends to return home. Meira from Massachusetts remarked, “I’m not going to lie, I was pretty nervous about coming to UConn, but everyone is friendly and it only took a day for me to get comfortable. I definitely wish I stayed longer, it’s an unforgettable experience! It may be scary at first, but you’ll have a 50+ person family to back you up!” Yazmin from Massachusetts also reflected on her total experience in the program, saying, “It was a truly unforgettable experience. I had the opportunity to create bonds with different people and experience the ACTUAL college life while sleeping in the dorms, eating in the dining halls, and being taught by an actual college professor. We were also given a bit of freedom just like real college students. This program has a lot of variety and it’s a must.”

The impact that Pre-College Summer has on students is truly remarkable. While the experience is new and intimidating at first, students learn so much about themselves and who they would like to become in college. It’s amazing to think that UConn’s Pre-College Summer Program will host its 5th summer beginning in July of 2018. The 4-week program will run from July 8th through August 4th 2018, and program registration will open in December of 2017. For more information, please visit or contact our office at 860-486-0149.


DJ Workshop PCS Dairy Bar Trip PCS

Avery Point Cardboard Boat Race 2017


The 2017-2018 academic year was off to a strong start. On September 27, 2017, the ECE Marine Sciences, Maritime Studies, Physics and Engineering students participated in the 7th annual UConn Avery Point Cardboard Boat Race. The event is always a fun and exciting time filled with lots of laughs. This year we had about 450 students and instructors in attendance.
Participating in this year’s event were twenty one partner high schools:Waterford High School, Marine Science Magnet High School, Science and Technology Magnet High School of Southeastern Connecticut, Manchester High School, University High School, Westbrook High School, Norwich Free Academy, Shelton High School, Windham Tech, Lyman Hall High School, H.C. Wilcox Tech, Kaynor Tech, Glastonbury High School, Ellington High School, Bridgeport Aquaculture, Enfield High School, Hartford Engineering and Green Tech, Emmett O’Brien Tech, Ledyard High school, Northwestern Regional High School and Daniel Hand High School. The team from H.C. Wilcox Technical High School won first place in the UConn ECE Championship Division.


Cardboard Boat Race 2017 Cardboard Boat Race 2017

Congratulations to our 2017-2018 Classroom Grant Winners!


By Nella Quasnitschka


UConn Early College Experience (ECE) continues to offer Small Classroom and Community Development Grants to courses taught in partner high schools. Faculty currently teaching courses at their high school were able to submit proposals for books, technology, equipment or other materials that enhance the subject matter taught in the classroom. Community Development applications solicit funds for projects that have a large impact on the surrounding community, including plans to eliminate an eyesore, make communities healthier, or to foster creativity and research. This year the office received sixteen competitive applications for innovative enhancement and projects from schools all over Connecticut.


The Office of Early College Programs >will award ECE Classroom Grants again next year. The deadline to apply will be October 19, 2018. We encourage all schools to apply. To be eligible for a grant, applicants must be instructors of an ECE Course running during the 2018-2019 academic year. Please see our website
for more details on Classroom Grant Applications.


Enfield High School
ECE Instructors: David Lenn &amp Melanie Finn-Scofield
ECE Course: BIOL 1107 & 1108

Description: Students at Enfield High School demonstrated a strong interest in dissections while in their biology courses. As an extension of this topic, Professor Lenn and Professor Finn-Scofield would like to organize a dissection club to expand the number of species the students dissect and continue their engagement in the subject. They will receive funding for different types of species along with equipment needed for dissection.


Franklin Academy
ECE Instructor: Amy Bigelow
ECE Course: MATH 1030Q

Description: Franklin Academy serves students on the autism spectrum and with non-verbal learning disabilities. Individuals carrying these diagnoses tend to have slower processing speeds, difficulty with planning and organization, and frequently struggle to interpret information presented visually. Much of the analytical reasoning taught in MATH 1030Q is based on analyzing presented data. In order to provide students with an easier way to read and follow data associated calculations in class, Professor Bigelow requested to purchase an LCD projector and document camera to aid instruction and visual transfer of large data sets, graphs, and tables.


Lewis Mills High School
ECE Instructor: Laura Faga
ECE Course: FREN 3250

Description: In collaboration with the Crosby Fund for Haitian education, students will create French language science activities for students in Haiti. Students will better understand the Haitian culture, use the French language in authentic ways, and provide Haitian students with needed learning resources. Professor Faga has requested funding to cover the cost of materials for educational activities and her initial travel to Haiti to personally deliver materials and provide professional development. With the approval of the Board of Education, Professor Faga plans to take students to Haiti during the 2018-2019 academic year to allow them the opportunity to implement >the educational activities they create.


Plainfield High School
ECE Instructors: Laura Maher
& Kevin Mariano
ECE Course: AMST 1201

Description: As they study the history and evolution of the American Experience, Professor Maher and Professor Mariano believe it is important for students to be engaged with the diversity of the nation. To do this in meaningful ways, they would like to expose their students to individuals different from themselves and challenge students to discuss the issues our country has faced and their implications to today’s world. This grant will fund student transportation to work in collaboration with ECE professors and students at Kennedy High School. The project will expand students diversity and create an authentic learning experience outside of their usual classroom.


Ridgefield High School
ECE Instructor: Christopher Tait
ECE Course: NRE 1000

Description: Ridgefield High School is working on a project called “Barcode Ridgefield.” Barcode Ridgefield will teach students about biodiversity in their local area through the process of DNA barcoding. Students will be trained on how to DNA barcode, collect field specimen, develop relationships with park managers, and develop a database platform to share information to the public. The funding they receive will go directly to the materials needed for students to perform DNA barcoding. This project will enhance the NRE 1000 students understanding of biodiversity, which is one of the essential understandings of the course.


Robert E. Fitch Senior High School
ECE Instructor: Amy Turo McKenna
ECE Course: ENGL 1010 & ENGL 1011

Description: Professor McKenna willreceive funding to support a new reading initiative in ECE ENGL 1010 & 1011. She has redesigned her course syllabi to support student choice in the course reading selection in order to encourage more authentic lifelong reading and writing experiences. The money received will go directly to the purchase of various books to back the choice of text selection for her students.


Rocky Hill High School
ECE Instructor: Karen Redanz
ECE Course: HDFS 1070

Description: Rocky Hill High School students in HDFS 1070 will travel to Heifer International in Rutland, MA, which is an organization working to end world hunger and poverty. Students will experience the Global Village representing countries around the world, and will partake in a service project. Once the students return to school, they will create projects showcasing what they have learned and developed. The money received will go directly to the field study materials, transportation, post-activity materials, and the purchase of a goat for a Heifer family.


Stratford High School
ECE Instructor: George Marrash
ECE Course: PHYS 1201Q

Description: To enhance the accuracy of measurements taken in physics labs, Professor Marrash will receive funding to purchase PASCO Computer Data Collec tion 550 Interfaces. The new technology will improve students’ laboratory skills and expose them to real-world physics lab techniques. Students will be confident about their data collection and more engaged with topics they are studying.


University High School of Science
and Engineering
ECE Instructor: Michael Fromerth
ECE Course: CHEM 1127Q & CHEM 1128Q

Description: University High School is in need of equipment and supplies to run the ECE Chemistry course. Materials needed include burets, separatory funnels, non-graphing calculators, and paper towels. The money will go directly to the purchase of these supplies.


Wilbur Cross High School
ECE Instructor: Kristin O’ Lynnger
ECE Course: ENGL 1004

Description: Professor O’Lynnger will take her students to the Newport Mansions where they will look at the opulence seen in The Great Gatsby and then volunteer at a local organization to demonstrate the experiences of people with different economic status. These visits will correspond to literature about the American Dream. Students will reflect on these experiences with journal entries and ultimately with a book of pictures and essays. The final product will be sold and proceeds will go to the local organization with which they work.


Wilcox Technical High School
ECE Instructors: Kara Papa
& Leslie Czerwinski
ECE Course: BIOL 1107 & PHYS 1201Q

Description: Wilcox High School is starting a project based on the summer reading of The Martian where student groups will have to problem solve using different techniques from their biology and physics courses. Professor Papa and Professor Czerwinski have requested equipment that will help students solve the problems one would encounter if trapped on Mars. Once the project is completed, the results will be showcased in a “Martian Day” that will be open to students and the com munity. They will continue to use the equipment purchased for their biology and physics problems after this project is complete.


Xavier High School
ECE Instructors: Linda Charpentier
& David Applegate
ECE Course: NRE 1000 & STAT 1100Q

Description: In an effort to be more< conservation minded and environmental friendly, students in the Environmental Science course will place recycling bins in all classrooms and offices then work with the entire student body to increase recycling efforts at the school. Teams of students will collect and weigh the contents for students in STAT 1100Q to analyze and determine the success of this program.

Concurrent Enrollment: A Model of Development as Freedom

By Brian Boecherer

About five years ago, when taking courses for my doctorate in political science, I took a graduate class on economic rights. In this course I read a famous book entitled, Development as Freedom, by Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen. Dr. Sen makes the point that economic and political freedoms are linked and that the more we support the economic development of a country, the more the political freedoms in the country will grow. Poverty makes people vulnerable to being used by others (government, regional hegemons, etc.) as it keeps education low, it reduces the opportunities for personal independence – especially for women – and it restricts individual and group advocacy for other human rights. I find myself recalling this book from time to time, especially when I teach my students on topics of identity and rights enjoyment.


As I write this article for our newsletter, the week of Thanksgiving, I am recalling the arguments of the book again in response to an editorial in the Chronicle of Higher Education

(11/5/2017) that argues concurrent enrollment (programs like UConn ECE) are contributing to inequalities for students. In his article, Dr. Erik Gilbert, from Arkansas State University, suggests that his introductory history class has lower enrollment than in past years because students are taking course” while in high school. The result, he concludes, is that he has fewer students and, he adds, there are “fewer middle-class, suburban, white students [in his class].” He argues that because of concurrent enrollment, he has fewer students, more of which are minority and adult students. On this basis, he argues that universities that provide such programs are contributing to social inequalities at the university and they should be ended.


Dr. Gilbert is imbedding many assumptions about the nature of inequality into his editorial, but the point I believe he is trying to make is that a heterogeneous group of students makes for more diverse classroom discussions. This is certainly true; however, his argument, which is anecdotal, only holds together if we limit the arena to select general education courses at a university. His observations that concurrent enrollment is contributing to inequality does not consider the arena of the high school nor does it consider the issue of being admitted to a university. It does not consider that when a university invests in a quality connection with high school faculty, staff, and students, the entire educational enterprise benefits. The more we develop the partnerships, the more diverse populations that can benefit from this option.


It is important to start the conversation with framing the original intention of our program, that is, to make the senior year in high school more interesting, engaging, and beneficial for both students and instructors. UConn is the oldest concurrent enrollment program in the country, so the national conversation starts here in Connecticut. In 1954 Provost Waugh suggested that if we can work with the best and most credentialed high school instructors in the State, we can create an educational system that transforms all levels of high school education so that lower level classes prepare students for UConn courses – whether they be taught at the high school or at UConn itself. Provost Waugh also wanted to combat the problem of seniorities, something he attributed to boredom in the classroom. When you look at education as being a lifetime pursuit and on a continuum, the ability to offer college courses while in high school often rescues students and instructors by offering differentiated learning. Using the arguments of Dr. Sen, we are increasing the development in the high school, which results in increased student access, an awakening of one’s own academic interests, and the ability to invest in different University classes before going to college. As we seek to work with all high schools at an affordable rate and waive student fees for those in need, we are investing in the development of Connecticut.


There are many studies that suggest that when a student changes majors in college that their time to degree completion increases, which increases student debt, and delays entry into the job market or a more advanced degree. When students earn credits through UConn ECE, they are earning a currency which increases their competitiveness

when applying to college, preparing them for college rigor in advance of college, and in most cases giving them credits that allow them to move forward with their own academic interests once in college. This currency buys the students options. Moreover, students make these explorations and advancements in an environment where time and money are not inextricably connected. One of our most notable successes of the program has been the diversification of course offerings, which has increased the number of our high school partners. This has been at the core of my development strategy since 2005. At that time we offered 20 different classes; now we offer 70. Diverse course offerings allow for a diversity of students. Taking just one class allows students to see themselves as college worthy, and broadens access to future engagement in higher education.

What we do, collectively, is offer students freedom through development. Concurrent enrollment is the best system to provide this freedom at an affordable rate. I am suspicious of arguments, like Dr. Gilbert’s, which suggest that concurrent enrollment is contributing to inequality and that the only answer is to end these partnerships between high schools and universities. The pursuit of equality should not result in a lowering of the ceiling so no school and no student grows higher than another. We need to offer a diversity of opportunities, because we live in a world of diversity.


I hope you enjoy this year’s ECE newsletter magazine, it is filled with articles that highlight our engagement as a community and reminds us of why we commit to this task. Our best remedy to inequality is education and access.Concurrent enrollment is a model of development as


Who are the UConn ECE Ambassadors?

By Melanie Ochoa

UConn ECE has a wonderful team of 54 enthusiastic and high achieving students who have been helping support the program right from their high school. Our Ambassadors have been assisting with the marketing and administration of the program by supporting their fellow students and Site Representatives while also taking UConn ECE courses. During their one-year commitment, our Ambassadors help with the registration process and attend open houses or assemblies to present and discuss the benefits of the program. As part of their assignment, Ambassadors also share their extra- curricular experiences through pictures. Check out what our ambassadors have been doing!
Student Ambassador Caitlyn Malenfant
Caitlyn Malenfant
Oliver Wolcott Technical High School
“As an ECE Ambassador at Oliver Wolcott Technical High School, I assisted juniors and seniors with ECE applications and enrollment in these classes. I answered any questions they may have had, which helped make the whole process go smooth. Over the summer, I had the opportunity to visit the country of Guatemala in August of 2017 on a missions trip. In this picture, I am in Jalapa, Guatemala, which is a city in the middle of mountains. In Jalapa, my group and I served the people with food, clothing, and love. We made a huge impact on the lives of many, as shown by this little boy. He was grateful to have our presence there. This trip was truly life changing, and I would definitely go to Guatemala again.”

Student Ambassador Jake McNeil

Jake McNeil
Fairhild Wheeler Interdistrict Multi-Magnet High School
My experience as an ECE cambassador has been fantastic! This role has given me plenty of opportunities to help out my fellow students at Fairchild Wheeler. I initially took on the job to help convince my friends of the benefits of challenging coursework but have since gone on to speaking to large crowds at assemblies. Over this past summer, I spent time at Sikorsky working as an intern. I only occasionally worked on the  factory floor, as I spent most of my time working upstairs in the Allocation Division. There I would help process harnesses, wires, and black boxes for installation into the helicopters you see in my pictures. The challenging  ECE coursework that I completed was said to be a significant factor in my selection as an intern.

New UConn Courses and Certification Application Updates

By Stefanie Malinoski


Now that the 2017-2018 school year is well underway, we are ready to begin thinking about new certifications for 2018-2019. Planning ahead is pivotal for introducing new UConn courses to the high school or thinking about expanding your current certification. With close to 300 certification applications submitted last January, we are excited to see what 2018-2019 will bring. We continue to add new courses to the program as our partnerships with faculty and their departments develop over time.Courses of interest for 2018-2019 include:


AH 2001: Medical Terminology
CE 2110: Applied Mechanics I
CHIN 1114: Intermediate Chinese II
DMD 1000: Digital Foundation
ECON 1000: Essentials of Economics
EDLR 1162: Health and Education in Urban Communities
GERM 3233: Building Language Skills through Culture I
HRTS 1007: Introduction to Human Rights
MARN 1001: The Sea Around Us
PHIL 1101: Problems of Philosophy
SOCI 1001: Introduction to Sociology


If you or someone you know are interested in applying for certification, please review the information about courses offered through UConn Early College Experience on our website at Potential instructors should also reference the certification requirements and process for certification. In addition, a representative from the ECE office may be available to schedule a school visit to help encourage the recruitment of qualified instructors. Contact the ECE office at for more details. It is an exciting time to become a certified UConn instructor!


The submission deadline for 2018-2019 certification applications is January 31, 2018.Students at Work

Spotlight on Laurie Wolfey!

By Melanie Ochoa

The Faculty Spotlight is a chance to get to know UConn ECE Faculty Coordinators and highlight the wonderful work they do. This year’s Faculty Spotlight is dedicated to Laurie Wolfley, 2016-2017 award winner of the Thomas E. Recchio Faculty Coordinator Award for Academic Leadership. Laurie is the UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator for American Studies and Maritime Studies.


1. How did you get involved with UConn ECE?
About 10 years ago, Maritime Studies needed help coordinating its ECE program, and folks at Avery Point, where the MAST Program lives, knew that I’m a certified high school teacher who teaches lots of maritime literature and is deeply invested in interdisciplinary work; I guess I just fit a need at the time. I’ve been full-steam ahead since then


2. What is your philosophy of teaching and learning?
I believe that the students I teach need a safe, caring and compassionate environment in which to discover themselves as individuals; they need the freedom to think critically and creatively—to take risks and determine their own values through in-depth inquiry and discussion with others. They also need to be challenged to acknowledge and accept their responsibilities and to respond appropriately to those challenges. My goal is to encourage students to reach their own conclusions, find their own voices, and express those voices with clarity and confidence through a variety of communication mediums.


3. What do you consider to be one of your greatest achievements? Why?
Though perhaps not the greatest achievement of my life, what resonates here and now is my current success at surviving each day as a long-term substitute teacher at Fitch High School. I’m immersed in a several-months-long teaching gig that has me flat out every day, then doing my typical stint at UConn in the evening. I am grateful for the amazing support I’ve gotten from the Fitch faculty and staff—and from my terrific students…but I am dead tired. I’ve always applauded the work ECE teachers do, but this experience has provided me with tremendous appreciation for all the high school teachers I’ve worked with in the ECE Program over the years and for public school teachers in general.


4. What are your hobbies?
I love to cook, hike, kayak, ski, garden, and spend time reading in the back yard among the chickens. (I’ve hardly had a chance to consider these activities since the sub job started.)


5. What was your favorite course you ever took in college?
I think my favorite course was Children’s Literature, which I took with Bud Church at Connecticut College. I am fortunate enough to teach that course occasionally at Avery Point, where I still emulate much of what Bud did in my own class many years ago.


6. What is the best advice an instructor can give to students on their last day of high school and/or college?
Don’t sit around waiting to become the person you hope to be when you grow up. It’s too late; you’re already there. I was astounded to find that I was at 30 and then later at 50 the very same person I had been at 17. Take the reins and do your thing. Forgive all the stupid things you’ve done in the past, accept responsibility for yourself now, and move on.


7. What would you recommend students do to succeed in a UConn ECE class?
Recognize that you are an adult, and act like one: Take responsibility for your learning, push yourself to value learning over receiving high grades, ask questions, and think critically and creatively about your coursework. Look for the joy in learning.


8. If you were a superhero, what would your super power be?
Superheroes are overrated. It’s hard enough simply being me; any more power or responsibility and I might just implode.Photo of Laurie Wolfley

In Boland We Trust: Connectcut’s 2017 History Teacher

By Jack Greenwood Jr.

The Gilder Lehrman Institute is the nation’s leading American history organization dedicated to K-12 education. This year, Katie Boland was a part of 52 State History Teachers of the Year who were awarded by The Gilder Lehrman Institute for their outstanding effort and ability to promote the understanding of American history.


Effectively teaching the subject of history can prove to be challenging since it is generally the relaying of the story of how something came-to-be, while at the same time, emphasizing the relevance of how past decisions affect and influence how we think and operate today. With that said, the subject of history can be fairly bland if the teacher just spends class time lecturing and not interacting with the students or getting them involved. Although Boland formally teaches the UConn ECE Political Science course (POLS 1602: Introduction to American Politics) at Trumbull High School as a certified ECE instructor, it is clear that she has the potential to make any space into a classroom. She wears a smile that is accompanied by an enthusiastic personality which brings her teaching to life. Boland was quoted in a Trumbull Times article saying, “The key [to teaching] is to make it interesting and interactive. I try not to do straight lectures, like what I grew up with.” To make the class more interactive, Boland would have students construct their own arguments for famous court cases, such as the Supreme Court’s United States vs. Texas 2016 decision, and have other students hear the case and make a final decision. This is just one example of an innovative way to get the students involved that is emphasized by the passionate teaching of Boland.


Katie Boland seems to understand the importance of having someone lay down the groundwork for something great to be built upon it. When asked what her favorite historical era was, she responded with “[The] founding of our nation is my favorite historical era because it not only lays the foundation of our country, but also gives us the mandate to keep the republic alive.” Here, it is the foundation of the history courses that has been established, but it is up to Boland to continuously implement relevant teaching methods to keep the subject of history alive and engaging in our ever-changing young generations.


It also appears that the founding of our nation is not just a personal interest for Boland, as her class enjoys this particular era too. Boland says, “My We the People students love debating the Founding Fathers. We often have discussions in class about the most influential Founding Fathers/Mothers and the most overrated ones.” Students have explored their founding-of-our- nation interests even further by completing assignments such as writing a eulogy for their favorite founding father/mother and then presenting it to the class. It seems to be clear that Boland has manufactured a way to truly connect with her students and immerse them into the world of history. Boland’s genuineness was reciprocated by her students when they surprised her with a birthday party shortly after they had just won the State Championship for the We the People competition, which is where teams of students compete against one another to test their knowledge of the U.S. Constitution. When Boland entered her classroom, students jumped from their hiding spots and began to sing “Happy Birthday” while they presented her with a large, cardboard, cutout of her favorite founding father, George Washington, and a bobble-head figure of her other favorite, Alexander Hamilton.

Along with earning the History Teacher of the Year award, Boland will receive a $1,000 honorarium and an invitation to a 2018 Gilder Lehrman Teacher Seminar which is a weeklong program that offers teachers daily discussions with eminent historians, visits to historic sites, and hands-on work with primary sources. In addition to this, Trumbull High School’s library will receive a core archive of American history books and Gilder Lehrman education materials.
 Photo of Katie Boland

2017 UConn ECE French Immersion Day and Quiz Bowl Competition

On November 1, 2017, UConn Early College Experience held this year’s French Immersion Day and Quiz Bowl Competition. We enjoyed the company of Nathan Hale Ray High School, Coventry High School, Lewis S. Mills High School, RHAM High School, Portland High School and Norwich Free Academy ECE French students as they competed for the Quiz Bowl Champion. Taking home first place in this year’s Quiz Bowl Competition was RHAM High School, followed by Portland High School in second place, and Norwich Free Academy in third place. The competition put the knowledge of the French ECE students to the test, but they all performed well and showed their love for the course. Congratulations to all participants for taking on the challenge of broadening your French expertise.
Quiz Bowl Winners 2017

National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) 2016 Conference

By Nella Quasnitschka
On October 16th, a group of UConn ECE staff hoofed it to Louisville, KY to attend NACEP’s 2016 National Conference themed, The Triple Crown: Quality, Collaboration & Transition. With over 770 educational leaders from almost every state in attendance, it was a year of change for NACEP as The Board of Directors presented a new strategic plan to help the organization move forward in the coming years.
The conference committee offered copious opportunities to learn, share new practices and network in over 60 breakout sessions that focused on all aspects of concurrent enrollment. Various tracks included
effective program management, policy & advocacy, standards & accreditation, and research & program evaluation. Included in the long list of workshop presenters was our very own thoroughbred, Magdalena Narozniak, Program Coordinator for Research and Development. Magda’s presentation titled, “Demystifying Assessments: Quality Outcomes and Quality Data Presentation,” focused on which outcomes related to enrollment are best suited to assess programs and examples of how UConn ECE presents and uses assessment data for impactful improvement.
Since 2004, NACEP has served as a national accrediting body for concurrent enrollment partnership
programs. Applicants must present evidence documenting how their college or university has implemented NACEP’s national standards in the areas of: curriculum, faculty, students, assessment, and
program evaluation. This year, eleven colleges and universities earned accreditation and were recognized at the Accreditation Recognition Ceremony. This extensive accreditation process helps institutions validate the quality of college courses offered in high schools and ensures the academic rigor matches the standards of the sponsoring post-secondary institution.
A team of six well-bred ECE staff represented UConn at the conference. We submitted a third place poster into the Marketing Competition, presented a workshop, and shared best practices. We even had a
little fun with our colleagues at a dueling piano bar after a long day of workshops and meetings. We learned, networked, and impressed others with our knowledge of running the oldest, and one of the largest, most successful concurrent enrollment program in the nation! Our poster didn’t clinch the win but we plan to train hard and go back next year stronger than ever! See you in 2017.
Jess and Melanie at NACEPThe group at NACEP