By Stefanie Malinoski
Now that the 2017-2018 school year is well underway, we are ready to begin thinking about new certifications for 2018-2019. Planning ahead is pivotal for introducing new UConn courses to the high school or thinking about expanding your current certification. With close to 300 certification applications submitted last January, we are excited to see what 2018-2019 will bring. We continue to add new courses to the program as our partnerships with faculty and their departments develop over time.Courses of interest for 2018-2019 include:
AH 2001: Medical Terminology
CE 2110: Applied Mechanics I
CHIN 1114: Intermediate Chinese II
DMD 1000: Digital Foundation
ECON 1000: Essentials of Economics
EDLR 1162: Health and Education in Urban Communities
GERM 3233: Building Language Skills through Culture I
HRTS 1007: Introduction to Human Rights
MARN 1001: The Sea Around Us
PHIL 1101: Problems of Philosophy
SOCI 1001: Introduction to Sociology
If you or someone you know are interested in applying for certification, please review the information about courses offered through UConn Early College Experience on our website at Potential instructors should also reference the certification requirements and process for certification. In addition, a representative from the ECE office may be available to schedule a school visit to help encourage the recruitment of qualified instructors. Contact the ECE office at for more details. It is an exciting time to become a certified UConn instructor!
The submission deadline for 2018-2019 certification applications is January 31, 2018.