Author: Carissa Rutkauskas

Student Perspectives: Focus on American Studies and English


By Carissa Rutkauskas


AMST 1201: Introduction to American Studies

What is an American? A multi-disciplinary inquiry into the diversity of American societies and cultures.


Aleina from Granby Memorial High School

My decision to take ECE American Studies was one of the best decisions I ever made since it introduced me to the style of college level courses, a factor that helps me feel more relaxed about college. Further, taking this course helped me improve my paper writing skills while learning American History. Namely, this course made me open my eyes, and realize that American History is nuanced, with several decisions that seemed beneficial initially, but eventually failed to achieve the initial goal.


Dylan from Rockville High School

I participated in ECE American Studies this past year and found it to be not only developmental to myself as a student, but fun as well! We were taught straightforward concepts and information, but the way we were able to express this information creatively was the fun part. For example, we had to make a 15-minute long documentary about whether or not the founding fathers ideals were held up in society today. So, me and my friends made a video, and the concept was that the founding fathers had been revived and they were interviewing people to work in the government with them, so these people being interviewed gave examples of how their ideals were held up today to try and get the job. Being able to do projects creatively like that with friends while learning in the process led to my success and the fun I had doing this ECE course.


Fabio from John F. Kennedy High School

Attending UConn has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Although the coursework was sometimes challenging, my hard work and determination led to successful completion. This opportunity provided me with valuable college experience, which was essential for me as a European immigrant, given the significant differ­ences in how college operates here compared to Europe. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.


ENGL 1007: Seminar and Studio in Academic Writing and Multimodal Composition

College composition through multiple forms of literacy, including rhetorical, digital, and information literacies necessary for twenty-first-century contexts. The develop­ment of creatively intellectual inquiries through sustained engagement with texts, ideas, and problems. Emphasis on transfer of writing and rhetorical skills to academic and daily life. ENGL 1007 includes a built-in one-credit studio component.


Jayden from Berlin High School

Over the course of this school year in a UConn writing course, I have learned an immense amount of informa­tion on how to perfect my writing craft. From tone and diction, to critical thinking, I have improved in every aspect of my writing; thus, my confidence has skyrocketed over the course of the year.


Ian from Daniel Hand High School

This course treated me like a college student unlike any other AP class. I was able to truly get a feel for what college coursework was like and learned more about myself and my writing. I’ll use what I learned this year to continue my education and athletics at the University of Missouri.


Andrew from Seymour High School

It was a great class that informed me more on how we need empathy for those who are struggling around us. The humans in education project was a success and taught me that those who are struggling with food need help from the community.


2024 UConn ECE Cardboard Boat Race: Chariots Afloat


By Jessica Dunn


On Friday, September 20, 2024 UConn ECE hosted our annual UConn ECE Cardboard Boat Race at the UConn Avery Point Campus drawing just over 400 attendees in­cluding students and instructors from 12 different UConn ECE high school partners from across the state. We were also joined by UConn Avery Point and Storrs Administrators, faculty, and staff, and a very special Guest of Honor, Jonathan XV!


With an energetic crowd and a packed agenda of academ­ic presentations, the event was a true celebration of both scholarship and creativity. We are grateful for the unwav­ering support of our UConn ECE partners and colleagues who make this event possible year after year.

The day began with a warm welcome from Chris Todd, Executive Director of the Office of Early College Programs, and Dan Mercier, Director of Academic Affairs at UConn Avery Point. Their inspiring remarks set the tone for the day and encouraged students to embrace the opportunities to collaborate with their peers and engage in collegiate experiences.


After the welcome, students transitioned from the beautiful Gazebo Lawn, overlooking the mouth of the Thames River, to the classroom where they heard from distinguished UConn Faculty. Presentations covered a variety of topics related to the event, such as engineering, politics, history, and archaeology. The morning sessions featured:

  • Professor Kroum Batchvarov – Black Sea MAP Project
  • Professor Matthew McKenzie – Navigating the Past: A Seafarer’s Approach to Studying History
  • Professor Frank Griggs – Maritime Politics: Making Waves of Progress?
  • Professor David Giblin – Engineering a Cardboard Race Boat: A detailed look at the mechanics, constraints, trade-offs, and decision-making.

These sessions helped students dive deep into the academic topics related to maritime studies, engineering, and more setting them up for the afternoon’s hands-on competition.


The theme for this year’s race was “Chariots Afloat”, in honor of the Paris 2024 Olympics and as a fun nod to the iconic movie Chariots of Fire. Students arrived prepared, having carefully designed and built boats made solely of cardboard and duct tape. They also came up with creative boat names to fit the theme. Just as we had hoped, the students came to the event well-prepared and determined to persevere in the infamous Cardboard Boat Race.


Among the twelve participating high schools, 24 boats competed for the coveted Cardboard Trophy. The Morgan School had proudly displayed the trophy for the past two years hoping to bring it back home for the third year in a row. Although the competition was tight, and The Morgan School placed in two of the four heats, Daniel Hand High School broke their streak and brought home the Cardboard Trophy as the winners of the Championship Race! Daniel Hand High School’s Usain Boat set the record for the fastest completion time during the initial heats, and then took first in the Championship race as well. They will display the Cardboard Trophy until next year, when a plaque with their school and boat name will be affixed to the trophy, and then be passed along to the 2025 Champions!


Thank you to all our UConn ECE partners for your support in making this event a success year after year. Kicking off the school year with over 400 UConn ECE Students on our UConn Avery Point Campus is a true testament to the strength of our community and to the dedicated and passionate students we serve. Congratulations to all participating schools and teams!


Heat 1 Trophies

#1 The Narwheel – Bethel High School

#2 Fish N’ Chips – Ledyard High School

#3 ROB (Recycled Olympic [village] Bed) – Daniel Hand High School


Heat 2 Trophies

#1 Gold Medal Cruiser – The Morgan School

#2 Banana Keel – Ellington High School

#3 Seiugis – Bethel High School


Heat 3 Trophies

#1 The Floating Scotsman – Ellington High School

#2 LeBoat James – Manchester High School

#3 Steeple Chasers – East Granby High School


Heat 4 Trophies

#1 Usain Boat – Daniel Hand High School

#2 Socra-Seas (SS) – Bethel High School

#3 Poseidon’s Champion – The Morgan School


Championship Race Usain Boat – Daniel Hand High School

Best Visual Design Award Rowe v Wave – Daniel Hand High School

Best Boat Name Award Sorcra-Seas (SS) – Bethel High School

Interdisciplinary Collaboration Award – Daniel Hand High School

People’s Choice Award Trident’s Point – University High School




2024 Teacher of the Year


Congratulations to the following UConn ECE Instructors were were selected as their district’s teacher of the year.


  • William Allik Lyme-Old Lyme High School
  • Matthew DeBacco Rocky Hill High School
  • Jennifer Ewart Thomaston High School
  • Gretchen Hess* Putnam High School
  • Robert Jendrewski Parish Hill High School
  • Rachel Riendeau* Windham Technical High School
  • Abigail Walston The Morgan School


*Indicates CT Teacher of the Year Semifinalist

2024 Annual Site Representative Conference


By Todd Blodgett


The annual Site Representative Conference was held this May at the UConn Storrs campus. The Early College Experience (ECE) program staff hosted 190 Site Representatives from 155 of our partner high schools. The morning kicked off with a plenary session focusing on Promising Practices at Partner Schools. Representatives from Glastonbury Public Schools, East Lyme High School, Rockville High School and University High School of Science and Engineering discussed ways they are expanding their concurrent and dual enrollment opportunities at their schools. They shared an approach that focused on creating diverse course offerings to meet the unique needs of their high school populations. Site Representatives attended breakout sessions which focused on high school specific program data, expanding access to course offerings, registration 101, a Q&A with a panel of former UConn ECE students, and information from UConn’s Center for Students with Disabilities. The conference ended with a barbecue lunch on the Student Union Terrace for attendees to enjoy a beautiful, sunny day on the Storrs campus. We look forward to having everyone back on the Storrs campus next year.


We challenged our community to submit artwork…


…with the prompt: Growth Mindset: Doubling Down on Success and received many fabulous submissions


First Place: cover

Akira Gunawan, New Britain High School
Shooting for Success, original photo
Cultivate your life and take the shot. Jackson Forte (#2) takes a three pointer amongst his peers waiting for the game winner.

Second Place

Alexis Mastrangelo, Enfield High School
T.P.C., acrylic on canvas
I created this piece centered around childhood and nostalgia… The moment captured in my painting is intended to provoke many different feelings, one being success. While it is very icky, I will always remember the day I joined the Toad Pee Club.

Third Place

Shelby Lewis, Ridgefield High School
Ocean, acrylic on canvas
The Sea at night. An acrylic painting on canvas, the sea at night.

2023-2024 UConn ECE Professional Recognition Awards


By Jessica Dunn


Each year, we look forward to receiving and reviewing hundreds of nominations for the Professional Recognition Awards and working with the review committees to select the winners. With that said, it is no easy task, as we have over 2,000 members of the UConn ECE community, mak­ing it very difficult to choose just a few professionals who stand out each year. But once selections are made, the hard part is over, and the celebrations begin.


UConn Early College Experience hosts an annual Awards Ceremony for all winners to publicly recognize and thank them for their dedication and commitment to the UConn ECE Program. Those recognized have exceeded program expectations and excelled in preparing their high school’s students for the next level in their education. Candidates are nominated by their colleagues, students, administra­tion, and UConn Faculty for their exemplary instruction and management of the UConn ECE Program.


On April 25, 2024, we hosted our annual Awards Ceremo­ny for award winners, family, and friends on the UConn Storrs Campus. Our award winners and guests gathered at the UConn Alumni Center for an elegant sit-down din­ner where they were welcomed by Office of Early College Programs (OECP) Executive Director, Christopher Todd as well as UConn’s Interim Associate Vice Provost, Amit Savkar.


The night was filled with speeches from UConn OECP staff along with program partners to personally recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of each winner. This year we had the great honor to recognize thirteen Professional Recognition Award winners along with six award winners of the Silver Jubilee Award (25-year partners). The night was filled with heartfelt speeches, tears of joy, laughter, and celebration as winners, accompanied by their family and friends were able to pause and acknowledge the great im­pact they have on the lives of their students, their commu­nity, and those who work alongside them.


Congratulations to all recipients of this year’s awards. Your dedication, expertise, and outstanding contributions have truly set the standard for excellence within the UConn ECE Community. The UConn ECE Program would not be successful without the passionate and dedicated partners we are honored to work with, and we are grateful for all you do.


Principal Award for Program Support & Advocacy

Keri Hagness, The Morgan School

Thomas E. Recchio Faculty Coordinator Award for Academic Leadership

Natalia Smirnova, Economics, University of Connecticut

Site Representative Award for Excellence in Program Administration

Kevin Barbero, James Hillhouse High School

Instructor Award for Excellence in Course Instruction

Kyle Candia-Bovi, English, Suffield High School

Austin Cesare, U.S. History, Joseph A. Foran High School

Gina Corrado, Spanish, Cheshire High School

Christina Hernández-Williams, Spainish, Cromwell High School

Heather Watts Mathieu, Biology, Montville High School

“Rookie of the Year” Award for Excellence in First-Year Course Instruction

Gemetta Neal-Goulet, Educational Leadership, Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts

Margaret Clifton, English, RHAM High School

Award for Outstanding Research in the Field of Concurrent Enrollment

Scott Campbell, English, University of Connecticut

Kathrine Grant, English, Connecticut Education Assoc.

Carissa Rutkauskas, University of Connecticut

Silver Jubilee Award

Julie Barker, Physics, Cheshire High School

María DiVirgilio, Spanish, Lyman Hall High School

Cathy Fedeorowicz, Mathematics, Seymour High School

Gan Manelli, Europeon History, Masuk High School

Amy Nocton, Spanish, Edwin O. Smith High School

Tina Riccio, Spanish, Southington High School




Student Scholarships


By Jessica Dunn


Through a rigorous review process, the UConn Early College Experience Office scholarship committee se­lected six outstanding 2023-2024 UConn ECE Students as scholarship recipients. Each student has been awarded a $1,000 scholarship applicable to any institution. All recipients are high school seniors, who have completed at least one UConn Early College Experience course and have demonstrated outstanding achieve­ment in their project submissions. Additionally, applicants are evaluated using a holistic rubric that considers various factors including academic success, future academic aspirations, and demonstrated financial need.


View the 2024 UConn ECE Scholarship Winner video.


Excellence in the Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences

Winners demonstrate academic achievement and a potential for future academic and professional accomplishments in a field focusing on the Arts, Humanities, and/or Social Sciences.


Pathways Academy
of Technology
and Design
Greater Hartford
Academy of the Arts

Excellence in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics

Winners demonstrate academic achievement and a potential for future academic and professional accomplishments in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and/or Mathematics.


Robert E. Fitch
High School
Rocky Hill High School

Excellence in Civic and Community Engagement

Winners are academically successful, are already making a positive difference in their town or neighbor­hood, and are inspiring others to do the same. The students chosen for this award are UConn ECE Students who demonstrate ambition and self-drive evidenced by outstanding achievement in both school and their community.


Stamford High School
Fairfield Ludlowe
High School

Celebrating our student staff


As the Office of Early College Programs works to sustain our unprecedented growth, the program continues to rely heavily on the support, insights, and dedication of our OECP student workers. Undergraduate and graduate students alike, our ECE student staff works tirelessly to provide customer service to our students and families, support student and instructor events, and keep our communication and social media presence relevant and timely. OECP has a long tradition of leveraging the power of student workers. In fact, the majority of the full-time program staff began their journey with OECP as student workers.


Yara Medawar, Graduate Assistant

PhD Candidate, UConn, Civil and Environmental Engineer­ing

“I am very excited to join UConn’s Office of Early College Programs, where I look forward to sup­porting and inspiring the next generation of students. I’m particularly excited about the opportunity to contribute to innovative educational initiatives that bridge high school and college experiences, fostering academic excellence and personal growth among our students.”

Amanda Mueller, Student Administrative Assistant, 4 years of experience, UConn ECE Alumni

Rockville High School (‘20); UConn, Molecular and Cell Biology with a Minor in Psychological Sciences, (‘24); UConn, Genetic Counseling (Rising 1st year graduate student)

“What I enjoy the most about working with UConn ECE is the kind and supportive program staff and giving back to a program that has given so much to me!”

Caroline Lynch, Graduate Assistant

Master’s Student, UConn, Higher Education and Student Affairs

“As a former ECE student myself, I am very excited to contribute to a program that has so positively impacted my education.

Additionally, I am looking forward to the opportunity to complement my graduate education in such a hands-on and valuable way!”

Siva Sekhar Medisetty, Graduate Student Worker/ Data Dashboard Designer

Master’s Student, UConn, Business Analytics and Project Management

“I’ve truly enjoyed collaborating with my colleagues and witnessing the collective creativity and dedication that drives our work forward. Looking ahead, I’m excited about the innovative projects we’ll tackle together!”

Christ-Anne (CJ) Jean-Francois, Student Administrative Assistant, 2 years of experience, UConn ECE Alumni

Central Magnet High School (class of 2021); UConn, Political Science and Psychology major; rising junior UConn ECE Alumni

“What I enjoy most about working with the ECE program here at UConn is how understanding and kind everyone on the team is, and their commitment to helping me grow in my role and fostering my independence.”

Emma Winston, Student Ad­ministrative Assistant, 2 years of experience, UConn ECE Alumni

Sacred Heart Academy (class of 2022); UConn, Majoring in Psychology and Philosophy; rising junior

“Working with the kindest and most compassionate staff at ECE. I also love contributing to a program that assists these students in reaching higher in their education and really exploring what they’re passionate about.”

Whitley Sumpter, Student Ad­ministrative Assistant, 2 years of experience

Hayesville High School (class of 2022); UConn, Social Work major; rising junior

During my time working with UConn ECE, I have gained many valuable skills that will not only help me in future career endeavors but in life. What I have learned has allowed me to evaluate and solve problems much more efficiently, and my confidence in my abilities to handle issues that arise inside and outside of work has grown exponentially. No matter what kind of day I am having, it is nice to know that I will be walking into a supportive work environment with staff who go above and beyond, whether I need help with a project or even just to talk. I am incredi­bly grateful that through UConn ECE, I have met some of the most kind and genuine people who have played a large role in shaping my experience at, and love for, UConn.

Julia Swanson, Student Adminis­trative Assistant, 2 years of experi­ence, UConn ECE Alumni

East Catholic High School (class of 2020); UConn, Elementary Educa­tion, minor in English and Speech Language Hearing Sciences; rising senior

“I’ve enjoyed working with the ECE team because they foster inclusivity, support one another, and create a welcoming environment. ECE held a Christmas party that included all staff, featuring food and a gingerbread house competition, which the student staff won! The ECE staff are incredibly kind and caring, always ensuring everyone feels included and supported.”

Charlotte Daigle, Student Ad­ministrative Assistant, 1 years of experience, UConn ECE Alumni

Wethersfield High School (class of 2023); UConn, Major: Pre- Teach­ing/Elementary Education Minor: HDFS; rising sophomore

“Working in the UConn ECE office I have enjoyed interacting with parents and students and seeing how helpful this program is for them when tran­sitioning into college. Seeing that the work we put in every year pays off when we see how grateful these students are.”

Elizabeth Hinkson,

Student Content Creator, 2 years of experience

Norwood High School (class of 2022); UConn, Nursing; rising junior

“As a Content Creator at UConn ECE I have enjoyed cre­ating innovative content for students. The supportive staff motivates me to improve daily, which has been an enriching experience.”

Sameul Alam, Student Content Creator, 1 year of experience, UConn ECE Alumni

Wethersfield High School (class of 2023); UConn, Marketing with a minor in Business Management & Communications; rising sophomore

“As a content creator for UConn Early College Experience, I enjoyed interviewing around the UConn campus, speaking to instructors, participating in meetings, and being motivated by the supportive com­munity within the office.”


Brayden Bloom, Student Content Creator, 6 months of experience, UConn ECE Alumni

Ridgefield High School (class of 2023); UConn, Finance; rising sophomore

“UConn Early College Experience has given me the chance to work with some amazing people and get more involved. I really enjoy getting to meet new students and staff every day, as well as getting to be more comfortable with our campus.”


Professional Development Workshops


By Stefanie Malinoski


Throughout the 2024-2025 academic year, UConn Early College Experience partnered with dedicated Faculty Coordinators to offer 50 professional development workshops to certified Instructors. These opportunities were designed to enrich teaching practic­es, foster interdisciplinary connections, and broaden educators’ perspectives. Some highlights from the spring semester are below. Please be sure to review the UConn ECE Professional Development Blog on the UConn ECE website for details from all spring workshops and pictures from the events.


Environmental Science

Dr. Morty Ortega, ECE Faculty Coordinator for Environmental Science, met with 32 Environmental Science Instructors for a “Journey through Ecotoxicology” with graduate student Anika Agrawal. Ecotoxicology focuses on studying the effects of toxic chemicals such as pesticides, heavy metals, and industrial chemicals on ecosystems. Anika Agrawal, a PhD Candidate in Natural Resources and the Environment (NRE) at UConn studies the effect of mercury in oysters in the Long Island Sound.



UConn ECE Faculty Coordinators from Spanish, Profs. Gustavo Nan­clares and Eduardo Urios-Aparisi met with more than 60 Spanish In­structors to listen to Prof. Maria Acosta Cruz, Professor of Spanish in the Language, Literature & Culture Dept at Clark University. Prof. Acosta shared her talk “Ecocrítica, cultura y nación: La cultura puertorriqueña a través de cinco siglos” (“Ecocriticism, Culture, and Nation: Puerto Rican Culture Through Five Centuries”) with the teachers.


Educational Psychology

Prof. Joseph Madaus, our UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator from Educational Psychology, gathered with instructors for a virtual meeting and thought-provoking discussion with young adult author Terry Trueman. Trueman’s novel, “Stuck in Neutral,” used in ESPY 1100: Introduction to Special Education courses, offers insights into the lived experi­ences of individuals with cerebral palsy and sparked meaningful conversation among participants.



UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator from French, Prof. Florence Marsal met with 30 UConn ECE certified French Instructors to hear from Joëlle Vitiello, Pro­fessor of French and Francophone Studies at Ma­calester College for her talk “Enseigner les trésors d’Haïti” (“Teaching the Treasures of Haiti”). In addi­tion, Mary Catherine Decoteau, Career Consultant from UConn’s Career Services, spoke to teachers about enhancing and highlighting career competen­cies in UConn French courses.



Dr. Tom Abbott, ECE Faculty Coordinator for Biolo­gy, met with a group of 34 UConn ECE certified Biology Instruc­tors and embarked on a groupcampus trail walk. The theme for the daywas “In the “Heat” of the Moment, For­ests Move Center Stage”. The field walk took the group through small forest stands and provid­ed Instructors with a unique perspective on ecological dynamics and biodiversity in the Storrs area.



UConn ECE Faculty Coordinator from English, Prof. Scott Campbell and Graduate Assistant Adam Mc­Lain curated a dynamic conference for 80 UConn ECE certified English Instructors on UConn’s Hart­ford campus. The theme for the conference was “In­quiring About Writing: Syllabi and Texts in the ECE English High School Classroom”. From exploring literary theory and art to engaging with inquiry and identity at the Wadsworth Atheneum, the confer­ence fostered collaborative dialogues and innovative pedagogical approaches.


Latino and Latin American Studies

Prof. Anne Gebelein, UConn ECE’s Faculty Coor­dinator from Latino and Latin American Studies, met with a group of 20 LLAS 1190: Introduction to Latin America and the Caribbean Instructors on the Hartford campus. The day included a presentation and discussion with special guest Lorenzo Martinez Ruiz about challenges to indigenous sovereignty in Nicaragua. Lorenzo is an indigenous leader of the Rama-Kriol peoples in southeastern Nicaragua. His firsthand insights into indigenous rights activism un­derscored the complexities of sovereignty and land rights issues in the region, provoking critical reflec­tions among participants.


New Instructor Orientation

In addition to our spring professional development workshops, UConn ECE celebrated a significant milestone by welcoming 297 newly certified in­structors into our community in May. Among them, 238 fresh faces joined us for New Instructor Orien­tation which was held on the Storrs campus, mark­ing it as our largest Orientation gathering to date.

This comprehensive event covered essential as­pects of Early College Experience from Instructor responsibilities to student engagement strategies. Noteworthy presentations by Student Success and Engagement Librarian, Ery Caswell, and Educational Technologies expert, Jordan Vinikoor, enriched par­ticipants’ understanding of available resources and technological tools. Additionally, instructors had the opportunity to connect with their Faculty Coordina­tors and fellow newcomers in dedicated afternoon sessions to ensure teachers are fully prepared to begin offering UConn courses in the fall.

As the academic year draws to a close, it’s evident it has been characterized by no­table achievements and successes. Look­ing forward, we aim to double down on these accomplishments to provide our UConn ECE community with even greater opportunities for continued growth.

2024 NEACEP Conference hosted at UConn


By Carissa Rutkauskas


The University of Connecti­cut Early College Experience Program hosted the 2024 New England Alliance of Concur­rent Enrollment Partnerships (NEACEP) annual conference on Friday, May 17, 2024 in the UConn Student Union. Approx­imately one-hundred dual/ concurrent enrollment and early college professionals and advocates from Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, as well as several experts from outside of New England were in attendance. The event was kicked off by a warm welcome by Kari Suder­ley, NEACEP President/ Direc­tor of Early College Programs, University of Maine and Dr. Amit Savkar, Interim Associate Vice Provost CETL, University of Connecticut.


During the Plenary Session, participants had the opportu­nity to hear from six program directors, a school superinten­dent, and a state chief perfor­mance officer as they offered insights into the landscape of dual and concurrent enroll­ment programs in their respec­tive states. The panel high­lighted key aspects of their programs such as program structure, partnerships, goals, achievements, and advance­ments, sparking further discus­sion and idea sharing from the audience.


A total of 14 breakout sessions were featured throughout the day, covering various aspects of early college programs, re­search, equity, policy, and sup­port resources. Topics ranged from stakeholder perspectives on research, alumni insights, collaborative initiatives for improving early college ac­cess, and disrupting racist systems to promote student success. Sessions also delved into advanced course pat­terns, educator pathways, dual enrollment policies, diverse learning landscapes, career pathways advising, support for multilingual students, recogni­tion in early college programs, targeted support for trade oc­cupations, and a comprehen­sive look at Connecticut State Community College’s early college programs. The confer­ence concluded with closing remarks from Kari Suderley, door prizes, and the distribu­tion of certificates. Participants left with valuable insights and a growing network of connec­tions in the field.


Special thanks to the following partners for participating in the Plenary Session:

  • Christopher Todd, Executive Director, Office of Early College Programs, University of Connecticut
  • Salvatore Menzo, EdD, Super­intendent of Goodwin Uni­versity Magnet Schools
  • Ajit Gopalakrishnan, Chief Performance Officer, Connecticut State Department of Education
  • Beth Doiron, Director of College Access and NHED Programs & Initiatives Community College System of New Hampshire
  • Jerry Appell, Early College Coordinator, River Valley Community College -Community College System of New Hampshire
  • Amy Hubbard, Executive Director of Early College, University of Maine System
  • Mercedes Pour, Director of College Access and Secondary Partnerships, Maine Community College System
  • Phylitia Jamerson, Executive Director of Early College, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Education




Explore a complete list of topics, presenters, and slides on the NEACEP conference website.