2023-2024 UConn ECE Professional Recognition Awards


By Jessica Dunn


Each year, we look forward to receiving and reviewing hundreds of nominations for the Professional Recognition Awards and working with the review committees to select the winners. With that said, it is no easy task, as we have over 2,000 members of the UConn ECE community, mak­ing it very difficult to choose just a few professionals who stand out each year. But once selections are made, the hard part is over, and the celebrations begin.


UConn Early College Experience hosts an annual Awards Ceremony for all winners to publicly recognize and thank them for their dedication and commitment to the UConn ECE Program. Those recognized have exceeded program expectations and excelled in preparing their high school’s students for the next level in their education. Candidates are nominated by their colleagues, students, administra­tion, and UConn Faculty for their exemplary instruction and management of the UConn ECE Program.


On April 25, 2024, we hosted our annual Awards Ceremo­ny for award winners, family, and friends on the UConn Storrs Campus. Our award winners and guests gathered at the UConn Alumni Center for an elegant sit-down din­ner where they were welcomed by Office of Early College Programs (OECP) Executive Director, Christopher Todd as well as UConn’s Interim Associate Vice Provost, Amit Savkar.


The night was filled with speeches from UConn OECP staff along with program partners to personally recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of each winner. This year we had the great honor to recognize thirteen Professional Recognition Award winners along with six award winners of the Silver Jubilee Award (25-year partners). The night was filled with heartfelt speeches, tears of joy, laughter, and celebration as winners, accompanied by their family and friends were able to pause and acknowledge the great im­pact they have on the lives of their students, their commu­nity, and those who work alongside them.


Congratulations to all recipients of this year’s awards. Your dedication, expertise, and outstanding contributions have truly set the standard for excellence within the UConn ECE Community. The UConn ECE Program would not be successful without the passionate and dedicated partners we are honored to work with, and we are grateful for all you do.


Principal Award for Program Support & Advocacy

Keri Hagness, The Morgan School

Thomas E. Recchio Faculty Coordinator Award for Academic Leadership

Natalia Smirnova, Economics, University of Connecticut

Site Representative Award for Excellence in Program Administration

Kevin Barbero, James Hillhouse High School

Instructor Award for Excellence in Course Instruction

Kyle Candia-Bovi, English, Suffield High School

Austin Cesare, U.S. History, Joseph A. Foran High School

Gina Corrado, Spanish, Cheshire High School

Christina Hernández-Williams, Spainish, Cromwell High School

Heather Watts Mathieu, Biology, Montville High School

“Rookie of the Year” Award for Excellence in First-Year Course Instruction

Gemetta Neal-Goulet, Educational Leadership, Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts

Margaret Clifton, English, RHAM High School

Award for Outstanding Research in the Field of Concurrent Enrollment

Scott Campbell, English, University of Connecticut

Kathrine Grant, English, Connecticut Education Assoc.

Carissa Rutkauskas, University of Connecticut

Silver Jubilee Award

Julie Barker, Physics, Cheshire High School

María DiVirgilio, Spanish, Lyman Hall High School

Cathy Fedeorowicz, Mathematics, Seymour High School

Gan Manelli, Europeon History, Masuk High School

Amy Nocton, Spanish, Edwin O. Smith High School

Tina Riccio, Spanish, Southington High School