
New Pilot Courses


By Stefanie Malinoski 


The growth of courses in UConn Early College Experience course offerings is an intentional one. We actively pursue diverse course offerings because we know there are diverse student interests. In 2005, there were only 20 different courses, and all courses were ones where students needed to be tracked into the courses (Ex. English, Math, and Chemistry). Now, we offer 74 different UConn courses that represent a wide variety of student interests and needs.


We are currently exploring three pilot course additions for the 2020-2021 school year. These courses are more varied, based on student interest, and open doors to all sorts of students. Should the interest be there from our high school partners, our current collaboration with 32 different University Departments may grow to include three additional courses from two new to UConn ECE UConn Departments. The pilot courses are:



Anthropology (ANTH) 1000 - Introduction to Anthropology
Geoscience (GSCI) 1051 - Earth's Dynamic Environment (Introduction to Geoscience)
Sustainable Plant and Soil Sciences (SPSS) 1100 - Turfgrass Management

If you are you interested in these UConn courses, please contact the UConn ECE Program Office so we can work together to see if a pilot course may be possible. In addition, a representative from the UConn ECE Program Office may be available to schedule a school visit to help encourage the addition of any of the current UConn ECE course offerings in your high schools and as well as the recruitment of qualified instructors. Please contact the UConn ECE Program Office at


We look forward to hearing from you!

UConn Chemistry and ECE Hold First UConn CT-JAPAN Photochemistry Workshop



By Dr. Tomoyasu Mani 


On October 29th and 30th, UConn Chemistry held the first CT-JAPAN photochemistry workshop for high school students. The two-day workshop was held in conjunction with the visit of five high school students and two teachers of Matsuyama Minami High School from Ehime Prefecture, Japan. Fifty high school students from The Woodstock Academy attended the workshop. The workshop was organized by Prof. Tomoyasu Mani with the help from Prof. Fatma Selampinar and graduate assistants. The students from the two countries attended lectures by Prof. Mani and afterwards jointly performed experiments, learning new chemistry (photon upconversion on Day 1 and charge-transfer absorption on Day 2) and at the same time fostering friendship and cultural understanding. The agenda and the materials of the workshop (lecture slides and experiment procedures) are available online. The workshop was in part supported by the Department of Chemistry and UConn Early College Experience. Japanese high school travel was supported by the Japan Science and Technology through the Super Science High School program.


12,047 ECE applicants and counting…

By Todd Blodgett
Registration is under way for the 2018-2019 academic year. We look forward to welcoming in a new class of ECE students and continuing to work with our current ones! This past year we had more than 12,500 students across 205 partner schools register to take at least one ECE course. During the registration process, students will have the opportunity to select, apply and enroll in their courses for the upcoming year. Many schools have expanded their course offerings and students should meet with their Site Representative or school counselor to see which course(s) fit their academic plan. Planning ahead is a critical aspect of looking towards your academic future and will make your registration process much simpler and smoother. Stay tuned to our social media pages for registration tips and deadlines that can assist you with completing the registration process.
With 12,047 students already applied we are anticipating another successful year of ECE course offerings!
Registration Dates and Deadlines
April 30, 2018: Registration Opens
June 1, 2018: Application Deadline
June 29, 2018: Enrollment Deadline
August 15, 2018: Add/Drop Period Opens*
September 14, 2018: Add/Drop Application Deadline*
• September 28, 2018: Add/Drop Enrollment Deadline*
* Additional $25 processing fee for either adding or dropping a course during the add/drop period.
Billing and Payment Dates
November 8, 2018: Third Party Billing Roster Submissions
November 22, 2018: Fall and Full Year course fees due*
January 8, 2019: Spring course fees due*
* Additional $50 late fee charged if entire course fees are not paid by the posted deadline.
Consent Form

Online Registration Improvements on the Way for 2015-2016

Although there were challenges in our migration to the Compass Online Enrollment System, we are happy to report that over 9,800 students were able to successfully register for UConn Early College Experience courses this year. This is a direct result of the persistence of our partner high schools working diligently with students and parents, as well as the dedication of our staff and student workers in the ECE office.
Thanks to all of your feedback, we have numerous improvements in the works. Some of the improvements that will be in place for the 2015-2016 registration cycle include:
  • The elimination of browser and cache issues which prevented students from successfully submitting their applications.
  • A much less complicated NetID activation process.
  • A more intuitive navigation of the online application.
  • A clearer indication of the application being successfully submitted.
  • Better technical support from the start of the process.
  • A much more condensed application and enrollment process.
  • An easy way for Site Representatives to access up-to-date application and enrollment status information.
We are looking forward to unveiling all of these improvements at our 2015 Site Representative Conference on February 23rd. We hope you will be as excited about them as we are.

Catch Up Corner

UConn ECE is pleased to announce the migration from the current paper registration process to a new streamlined online process. The new online registration system incorporates functionality that was requested by several schools that participated in focus groups earlier in the year. To assist both schools and students during this transition, a 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. registration hotline will be available during the months of April, May and June. In addition, ECE staff will be available to visit schools needing any additional assistance. Demonstra- tions and details will be shared at this year’s Site Representative Conference on February 25th.


UConn Early College Experience reached a milestone this past Fall, now serving more than 10,000 students at 165 high schools statewide. Students are offered more than fifty UConn courses in twenty disciplines.
In response to the continued growth in enrollment, the UConn ECE office will be working with the Registrar’s office to improve processes and streamline registration in the years to come. It is our hope to have an easy-to-use online registration form available to students and parents in 2014. In the meantime, we thank you all for your patience while we work through our growing pains!