Student Events: Connecticut Science Olympiad


By Dr. Janet Belval


UConn ECE welcomed back the 2024 CT State Science Olympiad Competition on the UConn Storrs Campus this past April. This prestigious annual event brought together some of the brightest young minds from across Connecticut to demonstrate their scientific prowess, problem-solving skills, and teamwork. The Storrs campus was charged with excitement and collaboration as the aspiring teams competed fiercely for the top honors.


Science Olympiad is a renowned competition that tests students in a wide range of scientific dis­ciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. With twenty-three challenging events, participants showcased their extensive knowledge, creativity, and analytical abilities. This year saw an impressive turnout, with forty-two teams from across the state displaying remarkable dedication and months of rigorous preparation.


Participating in the Science Olympiad offers students more than just a chance to compete; it provides a platform to delve into their love for science and spark their curiosity. Teams faced challenges in building and engineering projects, written tests, and experimental designs. The campus buzzed with activity, from glider planes soaring in Hawley Armory to forensic investigations in the Chemistry Building. These experiences create lasting memories for high school students and inspire them to pursue careers in science.


South Windsor High School successfully defended their title, emerging as the State Champions. They proudly represented Connecticut at the National Tournament in Michigan in May. Other top-performing schools included Glastonbury High School and Hopkins School, both of whom delivered exceptional performances. Canton High School was recognized as the “Best New Team”. The camaraderie among team members was evident as they encouraged and supported each other, epitomizing the spirit of the Science Olympiad. Their passion for science shone through in every event, with their hard work andcommitment to excellence driving them to success.


The success of the Connecticut Science Olympiad competition underscores the importance of fostering scientific curiosity and encouraging students to follow their passion for science. This event would not be possible without the unwavering support of our donors, coaches, parents, community volun­teers, and the generosity and hospitality of the UConn’s Early College Experience Program.