4th annual UConn Avery Point Cardboard Boat Race
2014-2015 ECE student events are in full swing. On October 2, 2014, the ECE Marines Sciences and Maritime Studies students participated in the 4th annual UConn Avery Point Cardboard Boat Race. What an exciting time! Participating were Montville High School, Waterford High School, South Windsor High School, Manchester High School, Science and Technology Magnet High School of Southeastern Connecticut and University High School of Science and Engineering. Montville High School won first place in the UConn ECE division and went on to the Avery Point college division, where they again, took first place.
UConn Water Pollution Control Facility & Water Reclamation Facility Tour
George Wine’s UConn ECE class from Glastonbury High School came to the UConn Storrs campus to tour the UConn Water Pollution Control Facility & Water Reclamation Facility led by Supervisor Todd Matthewson.
2014 UConn ECE French Immersion Day and Quiz Bowl Competition
Students from Portland High School, Glastonbury High School, Edwin O. Smith High School, Southington High School, Wheeler High School, Woodstock Academy, Cheshire High School and Coventry High School participated in the 2014 UConn ECE French Immersion Day and Quiz Bowl Competition. First place went to Woodstock Academy, second place went to Southington High School and third place was Portland High School. Congratulations!